
Accreditation Standards

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1. Institutional Capabilities

1.1. Educational Purpose

  • The candidate institution must have a clear purpose of education that reflects both the educational philosophy of its affiliated university, as well as the intended results of the education that provides; and such purpose of education must present the general direction of education at the candidate institution.

1.1.1. The candidate institution has a purpose of education, described in detail, which clearly reflects the educational philosophy of its university.

  • The candidate institution must describe its sense of purpose with respect to the academic and social contributions it pursues as well as the educational philosophy of its affiliated university.
    1-1. Information on the educational philosophy of the candidate institution¡¯s affiliated university:
    1-2. Information on the purpose of education of the candidate institution:
    1. Interviews with students

1.2. Organization

  • The candidate institution must maintain an effective decision making structure for the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities required in the attainment of its purpose of education, and must select personnel for this purpose with the requisite capabilities under fair proceedings.

1.2.1. There is a structure for communications between the candidate institution and its affiliated university.

  • If the candidate institution is one institution among others at a university, it shall describe the decision making structure that exists with respect to the finances and academics of both itself and the university (or university foundation), and explain its own rationale and democratic nature as a college of veterinary medicine. Furthermore, the candidate institution must describe the systems in place to convey its requests and opinions to its affiliated university, and explain the institutional apparatus that exists to protect the independence and autonomy of its operations vis-a-vis the affiliated university, the veterinary medical teaching hospital, and the foundation.
    1-3. Regulations on decision making for the candidate institution and its affiliated university
    1. Interviews with the dean, university president, and chairman of the foundation
  • 1.2.2. The candidate institution maintains valid proceedings and methods to designate appointees to the positions of Dean and Associate Dean, etc. with the requisite education, academic activities, experiences, careers and leadership to realize its purpose of education.
    • The candidate institution shall describe the qualifications, proceedings of appointment, and term etc. of appointees to the positions of Dean and Associate Dean, etc., and shall describe the powers and responsibilities of the Dean, Associate Dean, and other appointees.
      1-4. Regulations and guidelines on the qualifications, powers, and responsibilities of the Dean and Associate Dean, etc.
  • 1.2.3. The structures and proceedings for policy decisions on the operations of the candidate institution are functioning properly.
    • The candidate institution shall present its structure and proceedings for decision making in its operations, including with respect to education, policy, and human resources, and shall describe the division of roles and the results of activity for its administrative bodies, including the general faculty meeting, and individual committees. The candidate institution shall also describe the extent to which decisions made in such administrative bodies are reflected in its operations.
      1-5. Minutes of individual committee meetings and general faculty meetings, and results of activities
      1-3. Regulations on decision making at the candidate institution and its affiliated university
  • 1.2.4. The candidate institution has a veterinary medical curriculum and an administrative structure of veterinary teaching hospital (VMTH) that maintains consistency and high quality in its veterinary medical education.
    • The candidate institution shall describe the department overseeing its veterinary medical curriculum and veterinary medical teaching hospital (VMTH) education and research support, as well as the VMTH director, and shall further describe what systems are in place to oversee education and research at the hospital, as well as the results of projects that have been pursued. The candidate institution shall also describe the systems in place to induce effective communications between itself and VMTH with respect to education and research (including regular meetings etc.), as well as the results of enforcement thereof.
    • - ADDENDA
      1-1. Data on the administrative structure for the veterinary medical curriculum and educational and research support at VMTH (i.e. the decision making system, personnel, and supervisory duties), and budget and settlement data
      1-6. Data on activities for departments overseeing education and research
      1-7. Meeting notes etc. for administrative bodies connecting the candidate institution and VMTH

    1.3 Strategy and planning

    • The candidate institution must establish realistic mid to long-term plans to attain its purpose of education and effectively distribute the requisite resources. The candidate institution must also show concrete efforts to realize its plans.

    1.3.1. The candidate institution has feasible mid- and long-term development plans and it has secured the necessary organizational and financial resources to effectively achieve its plans.

    • The candidate institution shall describe the establishment of its mid to long-term development plans and the process of consultation thereof, and shall describe the establishment of programs and the methods of operation for the attainment of such plans. The candidate institution shall also describe the composition, roles, authority, responsibilities, and operations of administrative bodies (including committees) for attainment of its mid to long-term goals, as well as detailed plans for procurement of budgets for the foregoing, and shall further describe the institutional apparatus in place that regularly reviews and supplements the plans to enable response to changes in the environment.
    • - ADDENDA:
      1-2. Documents and promotional information that describe the candidate institution¡¯s mid to long-term development plans
      1-3. Plan for securing mid to long-term financing and description of the formation of the development committee
      1-8. Minutes of the candidate institution¡¯s development committee
      1-9. Regulations and related data for administrative bodies that establish and implement development plans (i.e. committees and administrative systems)
      1-10. Minutes of the meetings of the foregoing administrative bodies and results of activities
    • 1.3.2. The candidate institution has outcome indicators for its development plans.

      • The candidate institution shall disclose its mid to long-term development plans as well as its outcome indicators for educational programs in line with the establishment of its specific goals.
      • - ADDENDA
        1-4. Educational goals and outcome indicators for the candidate institution
        1-11. Data regarding outcome indicators of the candidate institution

    1.4 Implementation and evaluation

    • The candidate institution must perform regular evaluations to determine whether its operation plans have been implemented according to reasonable processes, and whether such plans have been successfully fulfilled.

    1.4.1. The candidate institution performs regular evaluations of the degree of fulfillment of its mid- to long-term development plans.

    • The candidate institution shall describe the time of evaluation of development plans, the persons in charge of evaluation, the main parties involved, and the performance indicators used etc., and shall also provide detailed case studies where the results of evaluation were used to improve performance . The candidate institution must also prove that all data on education goals, including data on quality management, evaluation data, and operations data is systematically managed and that education is effectively implemented.
      If there has been a self-evaluation or a visit by an evaluation team, the candidate institution shall describe any significant changes that have taken place thereafter. Changes in the candidate institution¡¯s organization, significant decisions made by the university, and main issues currently being faced or resolved by the candidate institution, shall each be respectively classified as ¡°factual data,¡± ¡°comments (strengths and weaknesses),¡± and ¡°suggestions for improvement.¡±
      1-12. Operations performance indicators used by the candidate institution
      1-13. Evaluation of educational programs and matters for improvement at the candidate institution
    • 1.4.2. The candidate institution has appropriate financing, and it has a management structure that discloses the formation of its administrative budgets, the budgets themselves, as well as settlements and accounts etc. to its members and to outside parties.

      • The candidate institution shall describe its proceedings for devising its budgets, their connection with its business plans, and its efforts to establish budgets for its mid to long-term development plans. The candidate institution shall also present a schematic chart for reporting of settlements and accounts with respect to its finances and budget, and shall present detailed case studies of reporting of settlements and accounts. Furthermore, the candidate institution shall record in detail the proceedings and time of settlement evaluation, issues uncovered in the process of settlement evaluation, and efforts to apply the settlement evaluation results to improve performance.
      • - ADDENDA
        3-4. Current status of budgets and settlements in support of student activities (chart)
        1-14. Details on implementation of the budget development.
        1-15. Meeting agenda of the candidate institution¡¯s budget appropriation
        1-16. Data from collected opinions for devising the candidate institution¡¯s budget
        1-17. Results of evaluation of settlements for the last three years and data on application of results
        3-5. Evidentiary data on budgets and settlements in support of student activities
        1. Results of performance of the facilities management budget
